ED Awards 2016: Awards‘ Ceremony
1 Bild
Am Augartenspitz 1
1020 WienCeremony Ticket: 69 € | designaustria-members: 55 €
Combo Ticket (Ceremony & Party): 99 € | designaustria-members: 89 €
Combo Students Ticket: 79 €
Special Price for designaustria-members: Voucher-Code see DAshboard
3 combo-tickets will be drawn amoung all designaustria-members who send
an email to webredaktion@designaustria.at.
A glamorous show dedicated to Europe’s design elite and it‘ projects. The best projects in more than 30 categories will be awarded and celebrated. Expect an entertaining evening and a lot of Gold, Silver and Bonze awardees.
After-show party with DJ Ladychan from Athens.