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Vortrag, Diskussion Festival, Konferenz

ERDgespräche 2016: Neongreen HubClub – EARTHtalks Special

Dienstag 3.5.2016 6:30–10:30

Impact Hub vienna
Lindengasse 56
1070 Wien10 € (inkl. Frühstück)

Morning Program of EARTHtalks 2016:

  • Networking breakfast, presented by Verival and Alt Wien Kaffee
  • Panel Discussion with EARTHtalks speakers, Céline Cousteau, John Thackara and Simon Norfolk and Impact HUB founder, Matthias Reisinger
  • Presentation of new and innovative start-ups (Neongreen (Ad)ventures) and development of creative and innovative (business) ideas

Moderation: Alexis Eremia (Impact HUB) and Adam Pawloff (Neongreen Network)