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tga-Vortrag: Hansje van Halem »Magic Eye«

Mittwoch 6.12.2017 18:00–20:00

designforum Wien
MQ, Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien8 € | für designaustria-Mitglieder und Menschen in Ausbildung: 3 €
für tga-Mitglieder Eintritt frei

Graphic designer Hansje van Halem (1978) gathered recognition with her distinctive typography and geometric, almost psychedelic illustrations builton complex patterns. Van Halem digitally scratches, draws or weaves her letters and designs stamps, posters and illustrations. Her design-experiments sometimes lead to commissioned applications for public space, including a border fence at the dutch schiphol airport. Her work is in the collection of museum, amongst others stedelijk museum amsterdam

In her lecture Hansje van Halem will give an insight in her design process of making letter shapes and patterns. With her ‘practise makes perfect’ mind set the possibilities of working with lines seem endless. She tries to fool the eye into reading words when you’re not even sure you are actually seeing a letter.